Saturday, August 31, 2019

Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder

There are many diseases and disorders that plague today†s society, but one of the most serious of those disorders is autism. Autism is not nearly as widely known as the familiar Down†s Syndrome, yet, surprisingly, autism is far more widespread. In fact, autism is the third most common developmental disability, affecting 400,000 people worldwide (Autism Society of America). As of yet there is no cure for this debilitating disorder, only a variety of treatments. Autism is a developmental disability, not a mental illness, that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects 15 of every 10,000 individuals. No one is certain why it occurs, but researchers have found that MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans of people with autism show abnormalities in the structure of the brain. Significant abnormalities include differences in the cerebellum and in the size and number of Purkinje cells within the brain. Sometimes there is a pattern that exists within families from generation to generation. This indicates the possibility that autism is genetically related. However, no gene has been found. Every person with autism is different and there is no set type or typical person with autism. This is because autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that symptoms and characteristics of the disorder can present themselves in a variety of ways, from mild to severe. Usually children with autism have deficiencies in both verbal and non-verbal communication. Their language develops slowly or not at all and they have very short attention spans. They often lack social skills and will spend time alone, rather than with others. In more severe cases, children have unusual reactions to physical sensations such as being overly sensitive to touch or under responsive to pain. Most commonly, children with autism lack imagination and imitate other†s ideas, rather than initiate their own. Lastly, behavior is greatly affected by autism. They may be overactive or very passive and throw frequent tantrums, injuring themselves, for no apparent reason other than to gather attention. They often lack common sense and show aggressive or violent behavior. While some people only show one or two symptoms, others have all or nearly all and find it extremely difficult to function in society. People with autism do live normal life spans and the behaviors associated may change or disappear over time. As of yet, there is no cure for autism. However, with the proper treatment, many of the behaviors can be positively changed. Some of the treatments include behavioral training, teaching of communication and social skills, auditory training, medications, and a change in diet. Behavioral training or modification, as it is also called, deals with changing or extinguishing inappropriate behaviors and increasing positive behaviors. A few methods are used to do this. One way is self-management where the individual monitors their behavior and receives self-reinforcement. Another method used is modeling. This is when the teacher or therapist demonstrates what is being done so the child can â€Å"model† the steps. Behavioral training is effective in stopping self-inflicted pain by shaping and distributing positive reinforcement. The teaching of communication and social skills is an integral part of treating autism. Speech therapy may include gaining language skills or learning sign language. Some devices are used frequently such as picture communication boards. Another device is used with a trained professional supporting the hand or arm of the person helping them to punch keys on a device. This technique, called facilitated communication, is highly controversial because it is sometimes thought that the facilitator is directing the person†s arm unknowingly. One of the main characteristics of autism is the lack of understanding of social cues (Autism Society of America). The person with autism may be taught how to communicate in social situations or respond to certain facial expressions and emotions. If the emphasis is on social communication, a speech therapist will work closely with the child to ensure proper communication in social situations. Auditory training is sometimes used for those individuals who are oversensitive to sound. An audiologist plays a different variety of sound frequencies in this therapy. The frequencies coincide with the level of the child†s impairment. Food allergies and sensitivities have been shown to produce a variety of symptoms associated with autism (Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 1). It appears that children with autism benefit from diets that are free of gluten and casein. This is possibly because the inability to adequately process these substances can result in disorders such as postpartum psychosis, schizophrenia, and autism (Reichelt & Landmark, 1994). When these processes are not properly metabolized a short chain of amino acids results. They may become active, and behaviors associated with autism result. A small portion of them will cross into the brain causing interference with the signals that account for normal activities. Also many vitamins and minerals have proven to be effective in treating certain behaviors in children with autism because they do not get enough essential nutrients. Many medications are being tested everyday to find a treatment for the symptoms of autism. Some drugs have been effective for such things as stopping self-inflicted pain and other minor symptoms. None, though, have gotten to the source of the problem like the language deficits. Drug therapy is not one of the widely used treatments for autism because there are better methods that allow for more progress. There are still many unanswered questions about autism and its treatments. Sometimes the symptoms can lessen or disappear as the child ages. The majority of people however, will continue to show symptoms throughout their lives. There is not one sure treatment for every person with autism, since every person may have different symptoms. What works for one person may or may not work for another and it is imperative to talk with a doctor about what treatment option will work best with a certain combination of symptoms. Although this is a debilitating disorder, individuals who find the right treatment plan for themselves can lead a normal life.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Lifespan Development Psychology Paper Essay

Lifespan Development Paper When studying the Lifespan Developmental stages throughout Chapter 1 of our textbook, I began to realize that I have traveled down some of the same common paths as my personal idols. Although most were dead long before I was ever conceived, I find it rather fascinating. The textbook states that Lifespan perspective is defined as lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, multidisciplinary, and contextual, and as a process that involves growth, maintenance, and regulation of loss. The human life expectancy has truly surpassed all other living animals from a house mouse that has a life span of a measly 3 years, to an Indian elephant that can live to be 70 years. Jeanne Calmet, who was the oldest living person, was born in Arles, France was born February 21, 1875 and died August 4, 1997. She was 122 years and 164 days old at the time of her death. Although most would love to live as long of life as Mrs. Calmet, that is somewhat unrealistic. The average life expectancy for people living within the United States of America is 78 years of age. That is a humungous leap from the average life expectancy of a man who lived during the Pre-historic which was the early age of 18. People go through many different changes as the world is ever changing. There are three different types of influences which include: 1) normative age-graded influences, 2) normative history-graded influences, and 3) nonnormative or highly individualized life events. Examples of normative age-graded influences are things that people of the same age go through together. Let’s take my twin sister and me as an example. At the early age of 1, we both began walking with 2 weeks of one another. Although not at the same time, we both were starting our menstrual cycles both at the age of 11 years old. In life we will experience menopause around the same time, and possibly even retirement within a short time between each other. Examples of normative history-graded influences would be people who have experienced history changing events with one another. How about two mothers who may live on the opposite sides of the United States, but both lost children as a result to fighting over in Afghanistan. They will never know one another but they will have a similar bond because they went through a similar event. Another would be the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Even I will never forget where I was and what I was doing on that fateful day. Lastly, examples of nonnormative or highly individualized life events could be anything from hitting it rich with the lottery, to an unexpected, devastating event like Hurricane Katrina. It may not have happened to all of us, but it influenced us all in different ways. When I began reading the part in Chapter 1 that was titled, â€Å"Women’s Struggle for Equality: An International Journey†, I was truly astonished by the figures. It is sad when I look around my neighborhood, and think that one in every six of these homes, a person is/was abused by their partner. Last weekend, my 10 year old son and I witnessed physical abuse as a girl was being drug as she was attempting to get into the passenger side of a vehicle while at our local Burger King. Then the teenage boyfriend began slapping her. My son and I were panicking to help this young girl whom we didn’t even know. I immediately called 9-1-1 and reported it to the authorities. The police arrived before we even left the parking lot, and I pray that this girl knows her worth in life, and realizes that she deserves better than that. The story in our textbook about Doly Akter, who is only 17 years of age and has lived her life in the slums of Bangladesh, is stepping out to do her part to help make her community a better one. She has created a club that is sponsored by UNICEF and goes door to door to monitor the hygiene and health of her neighbors. With her help, along with others that are a part of this phenomenal club, they are already seeing a major improvement in people’s health and hygiene. To make this story even better, she is talking to parents of girls to explain that arranged child marriages are not always in the best interest of these young ladies and staying in school will improve the lives of these girls. Health care in America has done amazing things for their citizens but still has a long way to go. I don’t want to imagine that when I become older, I only have a 52% chance of receiving the recommended proper care to treat something as important as heart disease. Along with the government regulated Medicare, and improper care for the millions of senior citizens in the United States, I can only hope that it gets better and fast to help these people. With the (2) factors that show that today’s senior citizens need our help more know that decades earlier, it should be our duty and privilege to help them. Going to your local Senior living facility and seeing the many, who have no spouses still living, or no family to talk to, they are forced to go through their later part of life, not really communicating with others.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Catalase on Hydrogen Peroxide

The aim of this study was to test the rate of reactivity of the enzyme catalase on hydrogen peroxide while subject to different concentrations of an inhibitor. The hypothesis was that hydrogen peroxide will be broken down by catalase into hydrogen and oxygen, where a higher concentration of inhibitor will yield less oxygen, resultant of a lower rate of reaction. Crushed potato samples of equal weight were placed in hydrogen peroxide solutions of various temperatures. The results showed that less gas was produced as the concentration of the inhibitor rose. This Is because more enzymes were inhibited, and so less active sites were available for reaction. Reasearch and rationale Hypothesis: Catalase will break down hydrogen peroxide in water and hydrogen. A higher concentration of inhibitor will yield a slower rate of reaction, thus yielding less oxygen in a given time. Null hypothesis: Catalase will break down hydrogen peroxide in water and hydrogen. The concentration of the inhibitor will have no effect on the rate of this reaction. Supporting knowledge: Enzymes function as biological catalysts, increasing the rate of reactions that take place within organisms. Catalase is an enzyme found in the vast majority of organisms that are exposed to oxygen, making it very common. It catalyses the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a molecule that can attack sulphur atoms and metal ions in protein molecules, and with the aid of iron ions is potentionally mutagenic. Catalase is an extremely effective enzyme, and can break down millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules in a single second. As such, it can be seen how important and effective catalase is to oxygen-exposed organisms. As with the majority of enzymes, it has an optimum pH of approximately 7, though the optimum can vary by species. Haliotis discus discus, a type of shellfish, for example, has catalase which works at an optimum pH of 10. 5. There are a number of factors which affect the rate of reaction of catalase. As stated, pH is one. Concentration of both catalase and hydrogen peroxide, concentration of co-enzymes (Fe3+ in human catalase) and temperature are all variables that affect the rate of reaction. These can all be regarded as limiting factors, as they can only affect the rate of reaction to a certain point when alone. That is to say, the reaction will not work as best it can if all factors are not at an optimum standard. The poison cyanide acts as a competitive inhibitor, it strongly binds to the haem of catalase, stopping an enzyme-substrate complex from forming. Heavy metal ions, such as copper ions in copper (II) sulphate, act as non-competitive inhibitors on catalase. Competitive inhibitors act by binding to the actual active site of the enzyme, thus stopping an enzyme substrate complex from forming. Competitive inhibition, this can be reversed by increasing the concentration of the substrate. Non-competitive inhibitors bind to a site other than the active site, known as the allosteric site. As such, it is able to bind even to an enzyme-substrate complex. These inhibitors are usually reversible, but are not affected by concentration of the substrate in the way that competitive inhibitors are. Copper acts as a non-competitive inhibitor of catalase. Copper, as a heavy metal, reacts strongly with sulphydryl groups in proteins. This can cause the protein to precipitate, and thus change the shape of the active site. This type of inhibition is irreversible, as the protein becomes covalently modified. Inhibition affects the rate of enzymatic reactions differently than extremes of pH and temperature, which both affect the protein in a non-specific way. These factors reduce the rate of reaction by a process called irreversible enzyme inactivation. This is where the whole protein structure is destroyed, or denatured. Non-competitive inhibitors work by specifically altering the struc ture of the enzymes active site. Due to the decrease in available active sites, the rate of reaction will decrease. In this sense, it is similar to reducing the concentration of enzymes, as there are less active sites available. Planning I will be studying the rate of catalase activity on hydrogen peroxide while varying the amount of inhibition, which should influence the rate of the reaction, and thus the amount of oxygen, observed in a given time. The concentration of the inhibitor will therefore be the independent variable, while the amount of oxygen will be the dependent variable. There should a smaller volume of oxygen observed as the concentration of the enzyme increases. As I am comparing two variables to each other, it would be wise to calculate the correlation of the two variables. To calculate the correlation, I should use Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. To find a suitable correlation, I should use at least 8 samples. After plotting a scattergraph, I will proceed to find out the correlation if the correlation looks reasonable enough. Variables Temperature: Temperature is an extremely important variable to consider, as it can affect the rate of reaction in a number of ways. If the temperature of a system is increased, more molecules will reach the activation energy and the rate of reaction will increase. The number of collisions will also increase. As enzymes must collide with substrates, an increase in temperature and thus kinetic energy will result in more collisions occurring in a given time. Increasing the temperature will also increase the heat of the molecules. This will in turn increase the molecules’ internal energy. If the energy increase is too great, the weaker hydrogen bonds that determine the tertiary structure of the protein may break. This may change the structure of the active site, stopping any reaction between enzyme and substrate. Therefore beyond a certain temperature, the rate of reaction will decrease. To control the temperature, each system must be heated to the same temperature. For this experiment, I have chosen to keep each system at 30oC. This is because room temperature can vary in a lab, as some days can be warmer than others, and the room’s ventilation can also affect the temperature of the system. This is also to allow the reactions to happen at an efficient enough rates to collect results. pH: Any change in pH affects the ionic and hydrogen bonding in an enzyme and so alters it shape. Each enzyme has an optimum pH at which its active site best fits the substrate. Variation either side of this pH results in denaturation of the enzyme and a slower rate of reaction. The optimum pH for catalase in potatoes is generally 7, but can differ depending on the acidity of the soil it was grown in. In this experiment a pH 7 buffer was used. This is because the optimum pH of most types of catalase is 7, and so that the systems can all be kept constant. Concentration of solutions: the concentration both the enzyme and substrate have to be taken into consideration. The concentration of substrate for example will affect the rate of reaction in a positive way until all the active sites are occupied. The same applies to the concentration of the enzyme. An excess of either will not negatively affect the rate of reaction. Both concentrations will be kept constant for each experiment. I will ensure this by using catalase and hydrogen peroxide from the same batch in each experiment. Potato: Obtaining catalase from potato involves crushing the substance. This can be standardised by first cutting the potato into small cubes, then crushing. This can ensure that there are as little lumps of potato left as possible. If multiple potatoes are used, there is a risk of using catalase of different concentrations. This can be remedied by using a large enough potato. As each sample of potato is 5g, and twelve samples are taken 3 times each, then 180g worth of crushed potato are required. A large potato can easily weigh around 500g, so the problem then comes with different concentrations of catalase distributed within the potato. This can be controlled by evenly mixing the crushed potato. It is then safe to assume the catalase is randomly distributed throughout the potato. Lab air exposure: As the crushed potato would be left exposed to the air during the duration of the experiment, this could affect the enzymes ability to catalyse the reaction, and would yield misleading results. As such, any potato that is not in use should be covered in cling film to prevent exposure as much as possible, although not entirely. Preliminary Method My preliminary experiment involved testing only 5 different concentrations of inhibitor, to see whether the results show any reasonable difference. By this, I mean that the results should show a correlation above the critical level where p = 0. 05, n = 6. By doing a trial experiment, I can make sure my experiment will run safely and successfully, as well as determine any factors of my experiment I should change. Apparatus: -Potato -6% Hydrogen Peroxide solution 5cm -Copper (II) Sulphate solution (2%, 1%, 0. 75%, 0. 25%, 0. 1%) 10cm -Deionised water -Measuring cylinders -Weighing boat -Mass balance -Peeler -Scalpel -Pestle and mortar -Cling film -Test tubes -Test tube rack -Water bath -Thermometer -Bunsen burner Tripod -Gauze -Metal tongs -Delivery tube with bung attached -Gas syringe -Clamp stands, boss and clamp -Stopclock Method Peel and dice the potato in roughly 3x3cm cubes and mash them. Cover the crushed potato when not being used. Set up a gas syringe horizontally supported with stands and clamps, high enough to reach test tubes in a water bath. Attach a delivery tube to the syringe. Prepare a water bath of 30oC. Measure out 5cm3 of Hydrogen Peroxide into 6 test tubes. Add 10cm3 of the 2% Copper (II) Sulphate solution. Heat the solution to 30oC using a water bath. While heating, prepare a weighing boat with 5g of potato. When 30oC, place the potato in the solution, quickly attaching it to the delivery tube and starting the stopclock (a helper is advised here). Allow the catalase to react for 3 minutes, and note the gas collected. Repeat the same process for each concentration. Add 10cm3 of deionised water to the final test tube as a control. Health and Safety Pureed potato may irritate some people’s skin. Wash any potato splashes off skin immediately. Hydrogen peroxide is an irritant, and a powerful oxidising agent and bleach.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Child and Adolescent Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Child and Adolescent Psychology - Essay Example The infancy period is of no exception to this rule. First of all, it is important to dispel any claim that the infancy period or the first year of child development is insignificant and it won’t make any difference at such a young age just because a baby, such as in the case of Tyree, will be sleeping most of the time anyway. In Erikson’s theory of psychosocial analysis, the first stage of development focuses on the experiences of an infant in the culmination of what Erikson would term as Trust versus Mistrust. According to Santrock, this stage is characterized by a sense of trust that requires â€Å"a feeling of physical comfort and a minimal amount of fear and apprehension about the future† and thus â€Å"trust in infancy sets the stage for a lifelong expectation that the world will be a good and pleasant place to live in† (2004). In relation to the physical needs of an infant, it is widely recognized that proximodistal principle growth and development follow from the center of the body outward. â€Å"During infancy and early childhood, the limbs continue to grow faster than the hands and feet† and thus â€Å"children first develop the ability to use their upper arms and legs† (Papalia et al., 2007). With this kept in mind, it is best to choose Child Care A which have a lot of tunnels for crawling and resting. More tunnels mean more opportunities for exercise and as such this environment will be more conducive for Tyree’s gross and fine motor coordination and skills. In relation to the cognitive needs of an infant, the cognitive ability to perceive and handle information is being influenced by the surroundings of an infant and this largely relates to their future intelligence. â€Å"Much information-processing research with infants is based on habituation, a type of learning in which repeated or continuous exposure to a stimulus reduces attention to that stimulus† and â€Å"As infants habituate, they transform the novel into the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business ethics-the mcdonald's 'beef fries' controversy Essay

Business ethics-the mcdonald's 'beef fries' controversy - Essay Example How a company deals with past public issues, stakeholder issues and community concerns determines the employees’ perception of the importance of citizenship matters. Even though people in the West are basically non-vegetarian, America does have a good strength of vegetarians. Besides, there are many who avoid beef on ethical, religious or health grounds. These were ignored by McDonald’s when they decided to add beef flavoring agent when they started losing customers. According to Robinson (2002), ethics is a set of moral principles held by an individual or a group, encompassing individual behaviour, environmental policy, staff policy, and corporate social responsibility, which has gained importance recently. Demands of the shareholders, stakeholders and investors are forcing industries to maintain a high morality in how companies conduct business. Any deviation can adversely affect the brand image, customer retention, and overall business. McDonald’s initially declined to comment and then issued a ‘conditional apology’. As the people became more violent, the company kept changing their approach. This adversely affected their brand image. McDonald’s follows the ‘Code of Federal Regulations’ which does not require the restaurants to list the ingredients. The French fry suppliers do use a small amount of beef flavoring agent as an ingredient in the raw material. The ingredients in ‘natural flavorsâ€⠄¢ need not be broken down. This was their initial reaction but when there was an upsurge created, they reacted saying that they never claimed that the fries sold in US were vegetarian but this claim of theirs was also subsequently proved wrong. They went on the defensive instead. They were blamed for deceiving million of people who may not want to have beef extract in their fries for religious, health, ethical or other reasons. The Utilitarian and deontological perception on Kant on ethics is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Psychedelic Rock Concert Posters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychedelic Rock Concert Posters - Essay Example There were kinds of agreed upon art, music, literature, religion, lifestyles as well as social patterns (Albright 234). This brought about the capability of all of this aspects being combined into some fresh kinds which could have no limitations. With the superficial trappings of the happenings going to influence the styles and famous cultures of the world, most of the participants felt that there was no deeper import in this practice. One of the most influential rock guitarists of that time, Gary Duncan and his band moved out of that culture citing that the culture was something different that the people never understood. What was underground was more than what was not known. The rock band who were seen to be forefront on several reordering carried out in the society, most of the philosophical changes were seen more in the body of the posters that the artists produced as they were advertising their concerts. The rock bands turned out a big series of the images which called for changes in the musical, social and cultural creations happening during that time.

The implementation of a statistical process control to ensure total Essay

The implementation of a statistical process control to ensure total quality management and identify solutions to satysfying customer needs and reduce waste in the company - Essay Example This is inherently present in the method of data collection that was put in place while conducting the primary analysis. In this case, the data that has been put forward in the report was collected by analyzing the colour defects in a random sample of 200 units and the height variance of dolls for a period of 30 days. For accuracy, charts and table were designed and analyzed. We used an Np-chart to plot data on the colour defects and a histogram for the height difference of the dolls as the appropriate Statistical Process Control charts to monitor the data. The Np-chart was used because the data on colour defects was prepared as counted time attribute data with a constant sample size. The following charts prepared in MS-excel show the findings of the report in details. Chart 1.0 Np-chart for the number of defective dolls The Np-chart shows how the process, measured by the number of nonconforming items such as the dolls it produces, changes over time. Chart 2.0 Histogram for the heigh t measurements of the dolls The histogram was a suitable choice because the data collected in the 30 days was a measured time variable data with columns of decimals. Discussion and Recommendation The results indicate that there is a problem in the company. More specifically, the problem is traceable to the production part of the company. Consequently, the managerial team of the company should act fast in implementation of effective measures some of which we have discussed in the recommendations provided. There is a high number of customer dissatisfaction due to inconsistent and non-uniform manufacturing. It is evident, from both the report as well as the data collected too, that for every 200units sampled at... This study looks into Tom pulling Toys Company, a well-respected major global manufacturer of educational toys for children. The company plans to expand its profit margin and crave towards becoming a market leader. However, with the current competition from China, the company is in the race towards changing its strategies to counter the completion and remain profitable. With such demands to find the ideal changes, a Statistical Process Control method has been put in place to solve this issue. This report gives the overview of the progress of the Processes control in detail. After investigating the variation in the height of dolls and the different colour schemes in the dolls sampled, it was found that the dolls are suitable for the market but fail to meet Total Quality Management that is in line with the company requirements. This results from production of dolls that are not within a competitive scope of the market and provides a leeway for companies in China to provide threatening competition to the sale of dolls and possibly other products which are also part of the products that the company produces. In any market, it is imperative to stay ahead of the competition in order to remain relevant and improve competitive edge. It is important to consider long term benefits to the company when designing and manufacturing given the quality of the products will be ultimately determined by the customers. Apart from handling the individual faults in the height and colouring of the dolls, the product quality needs to be defined with measurable and appealing characteristics that can win buyers.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Ethics - Assignment Example The management has developed workplace policy that is based on the organizational philosophy, code of conduct, and mission statement. This policy is then incorporated into the organization’s performance management program in order to hold workers accountable for all their actions and warn them to adhere to the set professional standards when interacting with their colleagues and supervisors and when undertaking their duties. The management ensures that all employees sign an acknowledgement form indicating that they have read and understood the company’s ethics policy. This is to ensure that every worker fully understands the set ethical standards that should be adhered within the organization and failure to do this, the management takes appropriate actions upon the involved worker (Appelbaum, Deguire & Lay, 2005). Secondly, the organization evaluates all employees on ethical behavior in order to prevent expansion of unethical behaviors in the workplace which can negatively affect the firm’s production. Personal interviews is one of useful tools that the management uses to assess employees’ attributes such as ability to socialize with others, problem solving skills, communication skills, and characters. The management also evaluates demonstrated work ethics of employees against a checklist. It makes use of an employee performance assessment that has section like â€Å"Attendance, Dependability and Availability,† â€Å"Judgment,† and â€Å"Integrity†. This makes it easier for the management to measure and evaluate various concepts such as employee’s integrity. Work productivity and attendance are highly monitored. Working upon set hours and showing up shows that an employee has ethical behavior and integrity (Peterson, 2002). Employees who comes to work late and leaves early are termed as lacking ethics. Before taking final action, the management first meets with employees with

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Alternative Energy Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alternative Energy Sources - Essay Example The liquefaction and gasification processes for coal may soon be as economical as obtaining liquid and gaseous fuels from conventional sources, and both processes seem likely to be used commercially within the 1970s. Reliance on coal for all fossil fuel needs would of course shorten the life expectancy of our coal reserves considerably. One possible alternative is the oil shelf, which constitute a potential energy resource much larger even than coal. Hydroelectric energy and the energy of the wind and tides will always be available (Manwell and Rogers 41). The rate at which these energy sources can be exploited, however, is limited by the global flow of energy in the form of falling water, wind, and tides at any given time. It is also limited by the number of sites where these processes can be exploited economically. Power is the rate at which energy flows or is used. Continuous energy sources, such as the water cycle, are usually characterized in terms of power -- say in kilowatts - - although they could easily be characterized by the amount of energy flowing per day or per yea (Beggs 76). The world's potential production of hydroelectric power is roughly half of the amount of power now being produced by fossil fuels.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Gospel Of John's View Of The Role Of The Holy Spirit Research Paper

The Gospel Of John's View Of The Role Of The Holy Spirit - Research Paper Example This research aims at studying John's Gospel view of the Holy Spirit using the existing literature. In his article "John 14:17 and the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John", Sloan gives a breakdown of earthly ministry of Jesus giving the leads to the permanent ‘indwelling of the Holy Spirit’ among his disciples on departure to heaven. Further, Carsons (1991) gives the descriptions of ‘the responsibilities of the Holy Spirit’ during the final discourse of Jesus. It emerges that the Holy Spirit hovers through those baptized in it (known as indwelling). Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is independent of the father and the son due to the nature of the work allocated. The Holy Spirit is responsible of the Christendom and the spread of the church within boundaries and beyond. The institution of the church survives on the mercy of Holy Spirit who is responsible for this valuable task (Stott 2006). The Holy Spirit fills the followers of Christ with the yearning to know God more as the ethics dictate. The responsibilities further stretch towards the power to redeem and reconcile humans and their God whenever they wrong him (Barth 1993). The regeneration of human beings is entirely dependent on the functions of the righteous Spirit as evident from Owen's "Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit.† He has more than one function as Linzey puts it in her book "The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.† The illumination of the human believer's mind depends on the efforts of the divine Spirit as indicated in John 3:5. This is because the Holy Spirit knows better about God's will than any other supernatural power in existence thus engages the believers in their day-to-day activities that related to Godliness (Rogers 2009). 1 Introduction The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John is first introduced in Chapter 1 verse 33. The functions of the Holy Spirit in a believers’ life are discussed in three chapters (14-16). â€Å"But the helper, the Holy spirit whom the father will send in my name, He will teach you all things.† These verses show the Holy Spirit as a helper and teacher. Other roles that will be discussed in this paper are the Holy Spirit as a comforter, giver of life, living water and as a reminder of Christ among other roles. This paper will also look at who is the Holy Spirit, how does one receive Him and how it is viewed in the Old Testament. This paper has considered the Holly Spirit in the perspective of the gospel of John. We have taken the entire gospel through references to the Lord’s Ministry as provided in the first thirteen chapters. Then, it extends to God’

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jackson Pollock’s Lavander Mist Essay Example for Free

Jackson Pollock’s Lavander Mist Essay All modes of inquiry correlate with each other due to their tendency to coalesce in their emphasis on issues regarding autonomy, justice, and politics. The differences of art theories, for example, merely spring from their construal of the relationship between the exercise of power and the text. However, differences in discursive procedures do not overshadow the fact that these theories give emphasis on their analysis of the political and institutional structures within society. A concrete example of this can be seen in the opposing theories of constructivism and essentialism. Adhering to competing narratives of oppression and resistance, both theories show interest on the subject’s position within society and how this position can affect the development of his identity. In fact, if one isolates the discussion of identity and narratives of oppression in both discourses, one will notice that the ultimate commitment of the theories they adhere to gives emphasis on the idea of the political life. Politics within these discourses is seen as a collective action of resistance, which aims for change in the hopes of attending to the problems evident in the formation of identity and agency (Arendt 13). In lieu of this, the paper’s task is two fold. Art as a repository of human experience has always been influenced by politics. Exercise of power within society is associated with and dependent on the mass production of certain kinds of art forms, which allows the cultural qualification of ideas. The relation between art and politics can also be seen in art theory’s assessment of the formation of consciousness and unconsciousness, which is related to the maintenance, and transformation of the predominant modes of power made possible by the output of artistic texts (Eagleton 210). It is also dependent upon the ahistorical positioning of the art form, since this allows the continuous creation of meaning for a particular text. This mode of relationship invokes the aesthetic character of art. Specific works of art that portray the above mentioned correlation between the aesthetic and political aspect of artworks are Nam June Paik’s T. V. Buddha and Jackson Pollock’s Lavander Mist. Both belonging to the postmodern genre, Paik and Pollock’s work exemplify art objects arranged, portrayed, or created in unconventional forms. Paik’s T. V, Buddha, for example, portrays an antique Buddha statue watching his videotaped image on the screen. Pollock’s Lavender Mist, on the other hand, portrays a drip painting with a lavender effect produced using aluminum and salmon colored paint. Pollock’s Lavander Mist, contains long black and white strokes that imply an inherent linear structure, the composition of which exhibits a density characterized by discernible central lines. Within the above stated genre in which both works are subsumed, the artistic enfranchisement of such objects are highly dependent upon the conceptual as well as the ideological meaning associated by the artist to the work. This thereby shows the manner in which art as a form of discourse enables the perception of aesthetics as a process of communicating while remaking a work. The aesthetic act becomes the incarnation of meaning rather than a demonstration of truth. Pollock’s Lavander Mist may be originally perceived as a product caused by the accidental â€Å"dripping† of paint. At the same time Paik’s T. V. Buddha, on the other hand may be seen as an accidental arrangement of the objects presented within his video piece. The incorporation of both works within the artistic genre may be seen as caused by the implicit inclusion of the artist’s idea in understanding the work. Examples of the inclusion of intentionality is explicitly apparent in Paik’s T. V. Buddha as he states that the work is to be understood as an explicit encounter between an Eastern deity and the Western media. Pollock’s Lavander Mist, on the other hand portrays the intentionality of the artist within the artwork itself as Pollock incorporates his handprints within the above stated painting while at the same arguing that the uniformity of the work is apparent in his intentional creation of crisscrossing lines that created the drips within the Lavender Mist. Following the same line of thought, it is through this method that artworks like the Fountain of Marcel Duchamp became incorporated in the artworld. In a sense, such works mirror what Arthur Danto refers to as the theoretical dependence of art works (145). As I reckon, Pollock and Paik’s works portrays the communicative character of artworks. However, this character transcends the original communicative aspect of art since such works necessitates the implicit ideological and conceptual framework presented by the artist in order to understand the work of art. Works Cited Arendt, Hannah. Between Past and Future. New York: Viking Press, 1968. Danto, Arthur. â€Å"The Artistic Enfranchisement of Real Objects: The Artworld. † Contextualizing Aesthetics: From Plato to Lyotard. Eds. Alex Neill and Aaron Ridley. Canada: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1999. Eagleton, Terry. Criticism and Ideology. London: Thetford Press, 1978 Paik, Nam June. T. V. Buddha. National Gallery of Australia. Pollock, Jackson. Number 1 (Lavender Mist). Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

History &The Philosophies of Enlightenment Essay Example for Free

History The Philosophies of Enlightenment Essay The Enlightenment, also named the Age of reason, was an era for the period of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The term â€Å"Enlightenment† also specifically talks about a rational movement. Moreover, this movement provided a basis for the American and French Revolutions. During this period, philosophers started to realize that by using reason they can find answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. Enlightenment philosophers believed that all human beings should have freedom of religion and speech. Furthermore, they wanted to have a government of their own and a right to vote. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were two very important philosophical thinkers of their time. John Locke was a prominent thinker from England, and Thomas Hobbes is perhaps the most complete materialist philosopher of the 17th century. John Locke believed that people are good, and they should have natural rights such as life, liberty, and property but Thomas Hobbs main focus was how human beings can live together in peace and evade the danger and fear of civil war. John Locke (1634-1704) was one of the most significant and powerful philosophers during the Enlightenment era. Both the French Enlightenment and Founding Fathers of the American Revolution drew on his thoughts. John Locke suggested that the human mind was a tabula rasa (blank slate). There were no innate ideas known from birth by all people and society forms people’s mind. Since all people share the same undeveloped usual features, people are all equal and they determine their liberty. Locke said all human beings are equal expect women and Negroes because they are closer to the state of nature therefore they are less civilized and this led to the American Revolution. Lockes most important work of political philosophy was the Two Treatises on Government. He argued that the power of the king is derived from the people, each person has a right to hold property, and if ruler takes this property from people without their own permission, people can depose and resist him. . Thomas Hobbes is another philosopher in 17th century who argued that people were naturally wicked and could not be trusted to govern. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) was born in London. He finished his college education at Oxford University in England, where he studied classics. Hobbes was English philosopher, scientist, and historian, best known for his political  philosophy, especially as expressed in his masterpiece Leviathan. In his boos he described the â€Å"state of nature† where all persons were naturally equal. He said that people are frightened of violent death, and every single human on the planet has a right to protect him/herself in any way possible. He assumed that its in people’s best interest to avoid war. Moreover, he believed that life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Although John Locke and Thomas Hobbes do have some similarities, they have different opinions about most of their political arguments. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were two of the great political theorists of their time. Both created great philosophical texts that help to describe their opinions about man’s state of nature in addition to the role of government in man’s life. Both of them believed in individualism. Two years after the end of the English Civil War, Thomas Hobbes published Leviathan. He believed people had a good personality, if they were left to their own plans, life would become â€Å"a solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.† He said if people give some of their freedom, they can have a harmless life. He believed people are always in competition with each other for the best food, shelter, money, and so on. Hobbes supposed the best way to protect citizens would be to have a sovereign that is threatening and supreme. . Lockes view of the state of nature says that humans have limits as to what people should or should not do. In contrast to Hobbes, Locke believed that humans are generally nice to one another, and we will not bother one another. Therefore, in Lockes state of nature, humans are peaceful. Locke believed that people had the basic principles needed for a civilized society, so they were allowed to have natural rights such as life, liberty, and property. Locke believed rather than each person being equally at risk of death, each person was equally free and sovereign. The Enlightenment was an era of free thinking and individualism. Different philosophers had enormous role in this era. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were philosophers from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Both philosophers had very strong views on freedom and how a country should be governed. Hobbes had more of a negative view on freedom while Lockes opinions are more positive. Work Cited FernaÃŒ ndez Armesto, Felipe. The Exchange Of Enlightenments: Eighteenth Century Thought. The World : A History. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2010. 738-65. Print. SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on John Locke (1634–1704).† SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 14 Mar. 2013 SparkNotes Editors. â€Å"SparkNote on Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679).† SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cooling Method Of The Transformer Engineering Essay

Cooling Method Of The Transformer Engineering Essay One of the most important and ubiquitous electrical machines is the transformer. It receives power at one voltage and delivers it at another. This conversion aids the efficient long-distance transmission of electrical power form generating stations. Since power lines incur significant power losses, it is important to minimize these losses by the use of high voltages. The same power can be delivered by high-voltage circuits at a fraction of the current required for low-voltage circuits. The design of the magnetic circuit, the core of the transformer, will first be considered. The significance of the no-load behavior of the transformer is explained and of the magnetizing current which exists under all operating condition. The common form of transformer involves a ferromagnetic core in order to ensure high value of magnetic flux linkage. This is also true of the rotating machine. Although transformers are generally associated with power system applications, they also occur in many low power application including electronic circuits. Transformers effect changes of voltage with virtually no loss of power. BASIC PRINCIPLES The transformer is based on two principles: firstly, that an electric current can produce a magnetic field (electromagnetism) and secondly that a changing magnetic field within a coil of wire induces a voltage across the ends of the coil (electromagnetic induction). Changing the current in the primary coil changes the magnetic flux that is developed. The changing magnetic flux induces a voltage in the secondary coil. An ideal transformer is shown in the adjacent figure. Current passing through the primary coil creates a magnetic field. The primary and secondary coils are wrapped around a core of very high magnetic permeability, such as iron, so that most of the magnetic flux passes through both primary and secondary coils. INDUCTION LAW The voltage induced across the secondary coil may be calculated from Faradays law of induction, which states that: Where VS is the instantaneous voltage, NS is the number of turns in the secondary coil and ÃŽÂ ¦ equals the magnetic flux through one turn of the coil. If the turns of the coil are oriented perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, the flux is the product of the magnetic field strength B and the area A through which it cuts. The area is constant, being equal to the cross-sectional area of the transformer core, whereas the magnetic field varies with time according to the excitation of the primary. Since the same magnetic flux passes through both the primary and secondary coils in an ideal transformer, the instantaneous voltage across the primary winding equals Taking the ratio of the two equations for VS and VP gives the basic equation for stepping up or stepping down the voltage ENERGY LOSSES An ideal transformer would have no energy losses, and would be 100% efficient. In practical transformers energy is dissipated in the windings, core, and surrounding structures. Larger transformers are generally more efficient, and those rated for electricity distribution usually perform better than 98%. Experimental transformers using superconducting windings achieve efficiencies of 99.85%,While the increase in efficiency is small, when applied to large heavily-loaded transformers the annual savings in energy losses are significant. A small transformer, such as a plug-in wall-wart or power adapter type used for low-power consumer electronics, may be no more than 85% efficient, with considerable loss even when not supplying any load. Though individual power loss is small, the aggregate losses from the very large number of such devices is coming under increased scrutiny. The losses vary with load current, and may be expressed as no-load or full-load loss. Winding resistance dominates load losses, whereas hysteresis and eddy currents losses contribute to over 99% of the no-load loss. The no-load loss can be significant, meaning that even an idle transformer constitutes a drain on an electrical supply, which encourages development of low-loss transformers (also see energy efficient transformer). Transformer losses are divided into losses in the windings, termed copper loss, and those in the magnetic circuit, termed iron loss. Losses in the transformer arise from: WINDING RESISTANCE Current flowing through the windings causes resistive heating of the conductors. At higher frequencies, skin effect and proximity effect create additional winding resistance and losses. HYSTERESIS LOSSES Each time the magnetic field is reversed, a small amount of energy is lost due to hysteresis within the core. For a given core material, the loss is proportional to the frequency, and is a function of the peak flux density to which it is subjected. EDDY CURRENTS Ferromagnetic materials are also good conductors, and a solid core made from such a material also constitutes a single short-circuited turn throughout its entire length. Eddy currents therefore circulate within the core in a plane normal to the flux, and are responsible for resistive heating of the core material. The eddy current loss is a complex function of the square of supply frequency and Inverse Square of the material thickness. MAGNETOSTRICTION Magnetic flux in a ferromagnetic material, such as the core, causes it to physically expand and contract slightly with each cycle of the magnetic field, an effect known as magnetostriction. This produces the buzzing sound commonly associated with transformers, and in turn causes losses due to frictional heating in susceptible cores. MECHANICAL LOSSES In addition to magnetostriction, the alternating magnetic field causes fluctuating electromagnetic forces between the primary and secondary windings. These incite vibrations within nearby metalwork, adding to the buzzing noise, and consuming a small amount of power. STRAY LOSSES Leakage inductance is by itself largely lossless, since energy supplied to its magnetic fields is returned to the supply with the next half-cycle. However, any leakage flux that intercepts nearby conductive materials such as the transformers support structure will give rise to eddy currents and be converted to heat. There are also radiative losses due to the oscillating magnetic field, but these are usually small. DOT CONVENTION It is common in transformer schematic symbols for there to be a dot at the end of each coil within a transformer, particularly for transformers with multiple windings on either or both of the primary and secondary sides. The purpose of the dots is to indicate the direction of each winding relative to the other windings in the transformer. Voltages at the dot end of each winding are in phase, while current flowing into the dot end of a primary coil will result in current flowing out of the dot end of a secondary coil. TYPE OF TRANSFORMER There are many types of transformer is there one of them is Air-cored transformer. The air-cored transformer may literally consist of two concentric coils which have nothing but air within the coils. This immediately has the advantage that the magnetizing current has exactly the same waveform as the voltage to which it is related. It has the very significant disadvantage that it is difficult to produce the necessary magnetic flux to generate the appropriate e.m.f. LEAKAGE FLUX The ideal transformer model assumes that all flux generated by the primary winding links all the turns of every winding, including itself. In practice, some flux traverses paths that take it outside the windings. Such flux is termed leakage flux, and results in leakage inductance in series with the mutually coupled transformer windings. Leakage results in energy being alternately stored in and discharged from the magnetic fields with each cycle of the power supply. It is not directly a power loss (see Stray losses below), but results in inferior voltage regulation, causing the secondary voltage to fail to be directly proportional to the primary, particularly under heavy load. Transformers are therefore normally designed to have very low leakage inductance. However, in some applications, leakage can be a desirable property, and long magnetic paths, air gaps, or magnetic bypass shunts may be deliberately introduced to a transformers design to limit the short-circuit current it will supply. Leaky transformers may be used to supply loads that exhibit negative resistance, such as electric arcs, mercury vapor lamps, and neon signs; or for safely handling loads that become periodically short-circuited such as electric arc welders. Air gaps are also used to keep a transformer from saturating, especially audio-frequency transformers in circuits that have a direct current flowing through the windings. COOLING METHOD OF TRANSFORMER Oil is used to cool the transformer. It also provide part of the electrical insulation between internal line parts, transformer oil must remain stable at high temperature for an extended period. Very large or high-power transformer may also have cooling fans, oil pumps, and even oil-to-water heat exchangers. Cooling fan is used in transformer. High temperatures will damage the winding insulation. Small transformers do not generate significant heat and are cooled by air circulation and radiation of heat. Power transformers rated up to several hundred kVA can be adequately cooled by natural convective air-cooling, sometimes assisted by fans. Power transformer rated up to a few KVA can be adequately cooled by natural convective air-cooling, sometimes assisted by fans. Some power transformers are immersed in specialized transformer oil that acts both as a cooling medium, thereby extending the lifetime of the insulation transformer. The transformer gets heated due the iron and copper losses occurring in them. It is necessary to dissipate this heat so that the temperature of the winding is kept below the value at which the insulation begins to deteriorate. The cooling of transformer is more difficult than the rotating machines because these machines create a turbulent air flow, which assists in removing the heat generated due losses. Luckily the losses in transformers are comparatively small. According to cooling system there are two types of transformer 1-> ONAN oil natural air natural 2-> ONAF oil natural air forced Oil natural by means a number of radiators with air natural flow. The radiator is fixed to the tank through individual cut-off valves, provided with a handle operate closing device in line with the radiator connector pipe position, indicate open position of the valve. LOSSES IN TRANSFORMER An ideal transformer would have no energy losses, and would therefore be 100% efficient. In practical transformers energy is dissipated in the windings, core , and surrounding structure. TRANSFORMER OIL TEST Transformer oil can give better insulation level to operate the transformer. It also is a coolant to carry the heat away from the electrical transformer windings and iron core to the cooling radiators on the side of the oil filled transformer. If there is no better insulation level, it produced short circuit in the transformer. There for transformer oil should be checked. Normally moisture and other liquids are mixed with oil, the insulation level is reduced. Normally we can see the silica gel for absorb the moisture of transformer. Also there is an equipment to check the insulation level of transformer. TRANSFORMER OIL Transformer oil, or insulating oil, is usually a highly- refined mineral oil that is stable at high temperatures and has excellent electrical insulating properties. It is used in oil-filled transformer, some types of high voltage capacitors, fluorescent lamp ballasts, and some types of high voltage switches and circuit breakers. Its functions are to insulate, suppress corona and arcing, and to serve as a coolant. EXPLANATION The oils help cool the transformer. Because it also provides part of the electrical insulation between internal live parts, transformer oil must remain stable at high temperatures for an extended period. To improve cooling of large power transformers, the oil-filled tank may have external radiators through which the oil circulates by natural convection. Very large or high-power transformer may also have cooling fans, oil pumps, and even oil-to-water heat exchangers. Large, high voltage transformers undergo prolonged drying processes, using electrical self-heating, the application of a vacuum, or both to ensure that the transformer is completely free of water of water vapor before the cooling oil is introduced. This helps prevent corona formation and subsequent electrical breakdown under load. Oil filled transformer with a conservator tend to be equipped with Buchholz relays. These are safety devices that detect the build of gases inside the transformer and switch off the transformer. Transformer without conservators is usually equipped with sudden pressure relays, which perform a similar function as the Buchholz relay. The flash point and pour point are 140 degree c and -6 degree c respectively. The dielectric strength of new untreated oil is 12MV/m and after treatment it should be > 24MV/M. Large transformer for indoor use must either be of the dry type, that is, containing no liquid, or use a less-flammable liquid. Well into the 1970, polychlorinated biphenyls were often used as a dielectric fluid since they are not flammable. They are toxic, and under incomplete combustion, can form highly toxic products such as furan. Starting in early 1970, concern about the toxicity of PCBs have led to their banning in many countries. Today, non-toxic, stable silicone-based or fluorinated hydrocarbons are used, where the added expense of a fire-resistant liquid offsets additional building cost for a transformer vault. Combustion- resistant vegetable oil-based dielectric coolants and synthetic pentaerythritol tetra fatty acid, ester is also becoming increasingly common as alternatives to naphthenic mineral oil. Esters are non-toxic to aquatic life, readily biodegradable, and have a lower volatility and higher flash points than minerals oil. COOLING PRODUCTS Transformer oil acts as an insulating and cooling medium in transformers. The insulating oil fills up pores in fibrous insulation and also the gaps between the coil conductors and the spacing between the siding and the tank, and thus increases the dielectric strength of the insulation. A transformer in operation generates heat in the winding, and that heat is transferred to the oil. Heated oil then flows to the radiators by convection. Oil supplied from the radiators, being cooler, cools the winding. There are several important properties such as dielectric strength, flash point, viscosity, specific gravity and pour point and all of them have to be considered when qualifying oil for use in transformers. Normally mineral oil is used, but coconut oil has been shown to possess all the properties needed to function as an environmentally friendly and economic replacement to the mineral oil for this purpose. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AIR COOLED TRANSFORMER AND OIL IMMERSED TRANSFORMER The basic difference between the air cooled transformer and oil immersed transformer is: If the heat generated in the transformer winding is capable of being swapped by the surrounding ambient air without causing any problem to the performance of the transformer then its normally reffered as Naturally Air Cooled transformer or simply air cooled transformer. However when the capacity of the transformer increases, the heat generated in the winding of the transformer is more and the ambient air normally is inadequate to cool the windings and maintain the performance of the transformer. Its because of this reason the transformer windings are submerged in an oil tank. It has been observed that the hydrogen ions present in oil help to maintain the temperature of the winding of the transformer and thus overall performance of transformer. EFFECT OF FREQUENCY The time-derivative term in Faradays Law shows that the flux in the core is the integral with respect to time of the applied voltage. Hypothetically an ideal transformer would work with direct-current excitation, with the core flux increasing linearly with time. In practice, the flux would rise to the point where magnetic saturation of the core occurs, causing a huge increase in the magnetizing current and overheating the transformer. All practical transformers must therefore operate with alternating (or pulsed) current.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Separation of Church and State Essay examples -- essays research paper

Probably one of the most heated and controversial political battles raging today would have to be the argument of Separation of Church and State. This debate bridges boundaries of political and social status and reaches deep within, to a time honored believe, Religion. With greater movements toward civil liberties and individual rights, more people have picked up there political swords and readied themselves for battle. So far there has been many casualties on both sides but yet no victor. The whole argument has been raging for some time but never has it been as heated as it has in the last several years. In 1951 minority religions felted that they no longer should be persecuted and have to listen to others religions in public places and following in the foot steps of the civil rights movement they decided to act. Although no real changes came about till 1962 in the case of Engel vs Vitale. This was a deciding case that proved that religion is indeed, not allowed in the schools or other governmental institutions. Many other religious movements have followed since that case. When the movement for Separation of Church and State began, it was usually minority religions vs. Majority religions in certain areas. Everyone was for prayer in schools, but they all wanted a different prayer to be said. Ultimately they turned to the courts to decide but as they proceeded through the trials they realized, â€Å"Do we really want the government to decide what prayer to say in school? A... Separation of Church and State Essay examples -- essays research paper Probably one of the most heated and controversial political battles raging today would have to be the argument of Separation of Church and State. This debate bridges boundaries of political and social status and reaches deep within, to a time honored believe, Religion. With greater movements toward civil liberties and individual rights, more people have picked up there political swords and readied themselves for battle. So far there has been many casualties on both sides but yet no victor. The whole argument has been raging for some time but never has it been as heated as it has in the last several years. In 1951 minority religions felted that they no longer should be persecuted and have to listen to others religions in public places and following in the foot steps of the civil rights movement they decided to act. Although no real changes came about till 1962 in the case of Engel vs Vitale. This was a deciding case that proved that religion is indeed, not allowed in the schools or other governmental institutions. Many other religious movements have followed since that case. When the movement for Separation of Church and State began, it was usually minority religions vs. Majority religions in certain areas. Everyone was for prayer in schools, but they all wanted a different prayer to be said. Ultimately they turned to the courts to decide but as they proceeded through the trials they realized, â€Å"Do we really want the government to decide what prayer to say in school? A...

Solution Text Notes :: essays research papers

Chemistry Textbook Notes: Solutions Chapters 13 & 14: LH 1. Define soluble, solution, solvent, solute, suspension, colloid (p.395–398) Soluble- capable of being dissolved solvent0 the dissolving medium in a solution solute- the substance dissolved in the solution suspension- a mixture in which the particles in the solvent are so large that they settle out unless the mixture is constantly stirred or agitated colloid- a mixture consisting of particles that are intermediate in size between those in the solutions and suspensions forming mixtures known as colloid dispersions 2. Most of the time when people talk about solutions, they are referring to solids that have been dissolved in water. Describe a different type of text=solution">solution (see Table 13–1) Solutions are not limited to the liquid state, they can occur in all three main phases, gas, liquid, and solid. For example, the water in the air is a liquid solute dissolved in a gas solvent; solid solutions include brass, which is made from combining zinc with copper 3. Describe two examples of colloids (see Table 13–2). A colloid consists of small particles 1nm to 1000nm in size that are suspended in a solid, liquid or gas. Examples include common products such as gel, a solid network extending throughout a liquid, or liquid aerosol, or otherwise known as fog 4. What is the Tyndall effect? What can it be used to distinguish between? The Tyndall effect is used to distinguish between a solution and a colloid; a colloid scatters light, like fog scatters the lights of a car, while a solution does not. 5. Describe an experimental method that could be used to classify a sample as a solution, colloid, or suspension. Allowing the sample to sit for an extended period of time will reveal the suspension, as it needs to be stirred or agitated to maintain its shape. A colloid then can be differentiated from a solution by shining light through it and seeing if it scatters 6. Define electrolyte and nonelectrolyte. Electrolyte- a substance that when dissolved will conduct an electric current while Nonelectrolyte- a substance that when dissolved will not conduct an electric current 7. Define saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated solutions. Saturated solution- a solution that contains the maximum amount of dissolved solute unsaturated solution- a solution that contains less solute than a saturated solution Supersaturated solution- a solution that contains more dissolved solute than a saturated solution contains under the same conditions

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Prejudice in Heart of Darkness: Racism is a Relative Term Essay

Heart of Darkness: Racism is a Relative Term Racism is a relative term. While many people argue that Conrad's novel, Heart of Darkness, contains the theme of racism, they tend to ignore the fact that this novel was written around the turn of the century. During this time period it was accepted practice to think of a black man as savage because that was how the popular culture viewed the African American race. If someone called a black man "savage" today, that someone would be considered a racist. Of course, this turn of the century view of blacks is inexcusable but it was the accepted norm of the time. The problem is that modern critics tend to apply modern thinking to all novels, including those written in a specific time period with beliefs different from today. These critics do not incorporate the context of the novel and simply rage forward with a directed, ignorant viewpoint, arguing from a more civilized stance. The definition of a racist has changed a great deal since the early 1900s, and we must consider this when analy zing any piece of literature. The problem arises when modern thinkers assume that we must continue to build on our ever-expanding knowledge instead of looking into the past and trying to relate to the accepted views of the time. To try to see racist tendencies in a text we need to know the definition of racism. The definition we use today is as follows: A racist apprehends that th... ...), Heart of Darkness. London. Penguin Popular Classics (1994). Nationalencyklopedin 15 PAS-ROJ (1994), Engstrà ¶m, Christer (red.). Hà ¶ganà ¤s. Bokfà ¶rlaget Bra Bà ¶cker. Works Consulted Cox, C. B. Conrad: Heart of Darkness, Nostromo, and Under Western Eyes. London: Macmillan Education Ltd., 1987. Guetti, James. 'Heart of Darkness and the Failure of the Imagination', Sewanee Review LXXIII, No. 3 (Summer 1965), pp. 488-502. Ed. C. B. Cox. Watts, Cedric. A Preface to Conrad. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited, 1993. Notes: 1 Nationalencyklopedin 15 PAS-ROJ (1994), p. 431 2 Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness (1902), p. 7 3 Conrad, Joseph, (1902), p.25 4 ibid, p. 73 5 ibid, p. 51

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Researched on magazines Essay

My magazine is called â€Å"Flava† and it is aimed at teenagers, as when I researched on magazines I found this one was quite popular. I spent 4 weeks on my magazine and put a lot of effort into it. Before I started to produce my magazine I planned out how I was going to set it out and what type of things I was going to include in it. I chose the above features, as they are the basic things included in a teenage magazine. I used Microsoft Publisher for the majority of it but I also used Microsoft word for things such as my real life stories. I found Publisher better because you get a wide variety of different backgrounds and formats whereas in Microsoft Word it is more basic. I used a number of different formats and fonts. I did a lot of research on the Internet using Yahoo and Google. I worked with another pupil in my class, Khiley Williams, and we both came up with our own ideas. The pages I produced was the, â€Å"Dear Angel† problem page, the album review of Christina Aguilera’s Stripped, dish of the day page, the real life story of â€Å"How I coped with Anorexia†, the front cover, the celebrity page (all the celebs dressed in black), and the whats hot and whats not page. The page which required the most research was the real life story but I also put a lot of effort into the front cover as I wanted to make it eye catching and interesting. I used Christina Aguilera on my front cover as she is hot and sexy and catches peoples eye as they look at the magazine. She is also a role model for a lot of young people so they would want to read anything that they see her on. The front of my magazine is bright pink as this also helps to draw people’s attention to it and would hopefully be intrigued as to what is inside it once they start looking over the cover. I used the band â€Å"Busted†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœs logo on my front cover as well as there is a feature on them inside the magazine. To get the logo I went onto the Official Busted website, www. busted. com, and had to cut, copy and paste it onto publisher. I then had to fill in its original red background with pink to match the background of my front cover. Also on the front cover, I have included the price, a barcode and a logo, â€Å"Girls with taste get Flava†. For my barcode I used the search engine â€Å"Google† and typed in barcodes. I found one and cut copied and pasted again.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Gravimetric Analysis Essay

The purpose of experiment 1, also named Gravimetric Analysis, is to study the use of analytical chemistry. Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that involves determining what matter is and how much of it exists. It is the science of separating, identifying, and determining the components that make up a compound and determining a specific amount of that compound. There are two types of analytical chemistry: qualitative and quantitative. This experiment uses quantitative analysis to determine the amount of a substance, or several species, and measure it in numerical terms. More specifically, this experiment uses gravimetric analysis, a form of quantitative analysis that uses an analytical balance, an instrument that yields accurate and precise data, to measure the masses of several substances. Experiment 1 involves the precipitation of a complex compound called aluminum 8-hydroxyquinilinate, also called Alq3. In order for this precipitation to occur, an organic precipitating agent, 8-hydroxyquinilinate (abbreviated OxH) is used to react with aluminum ions to form this complex compound. For this reaction to take place, OxH must be deprotonated, so that its anion, Ox-, will bond with the aluminum ions (the OxH molecule itself will not react with aluminum ions). As a result, the pH of the solution has a major effect on the precipitation in this experiment. If the pH is too low and there is an excess of hydrogen ions, then by Le Chatelier’s principle, the equilibrium will shift to the left, creating more OxH molecules. Ox- will no longer be available and a precipitation will not occur. If the pH is too high and there is an excess of hydroxide ions, the aluminum ions will react with the hydroxide ions. There will be no aluminum to react in the precipitation. If the pH is neutral, OxH is not very soluble and may cause it to precipitate out itself. So in order for this precipitation in this experiment to take place, it is vital that a buffer solution of ammonium acetate is used to control the pH of the solution. Also, the less aluminum ions in the solution, the more it will precipitate. In order to do this, an excess of OxH is added to shift the reaction towards the precipitate form. However, OxH has a limited solubility in water, so too much of an excess cannot be added. In order for the precipitate to work best in this experiment, we would have to allow it to digest. This lets use filter the precipitate completely. We do this by drying the precipitate in an oven and letting it age overnight. This promotes the formation of fewer, larger, and more pure particles of the precipitate. In the end, we are trying to find the concentration of aluminum in the solution (millimole of aluminum per mililiter of solution). We do this by converting the mass of the precipitate into moles and using mole-to-mole ratio and stoichiometry; we find the moles of aluminum ions. We then divide this by the volume of the solution to find the molarity, or concentration, of the aluminum ions.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Psychology Ch 6 Answer to Study Guide

Chapter 6: 1. From an operant conditioning perspective, it is important for parents to â€Å"catch kids being good† and praise them. In operant condition we learn based on the action and consequence. For example, parents tell their kids to clean their room. Then when they clean up their room, we give them candy or money. Another example would be when parents see their children or pets doing something good without having to tell them, in result they reward them. Children will soon do it all the time on their own. This is so difficult to do because after a while they will always expect a reward or praise after doing something good. 2.A normal fear of mines our be my fear of dogs. I consider it a normal fear because my neighbor use to always get a pit-bull and they would always get loose whenever he wasn’t at home. So we couldn’t go outside or do anything fun. For example, one day we miss school one morning because the dog was loose and my sister and I was afraid it would attack us. A fear of mines that I think is a phobia is Arachnophobia and Astraphobia. The fear of spiders and lightning. I really don't remember how I develop these fears, but every time I see a spider I run the opposite direction. When it lightning I do not go outside or in a room with lots of windows.However, I do remember how I develop my fear of dogs. When I was little my grandmother use to say if you be bad that dog is going to bit you. At this time my uncle was staying with my grandmother and he had two big dogs that was supposal harmless. 3. I agree that all this talk about the negative effects of violence on TV and in video games is an over reaction. Parents should monitor what their children are expose to. Simply, because the violence they see can lead some people to think and believe that its okay do the same thing in real life. The video games that they play only make them more curious.For example, my mom would tell us not to disobey my grandmother while she was wa y at work. So my sister and brother would wait until our grandma would fall asleep to watch what we wanted to. My mother had told us not to watch so much TV, because most of the TV shows had violence and a lot of other things she didn’t want us to be watching or hear. So my brother decided not to listen and watch and practice what he saw on tv. On day my mother caught him practicing what he saw and hear. Chapter 11 Journal 4. The most dominant part of my personality is my ego. The ego because based on Freud examples in the book and his explanation.Pushing myself to do something like the ID. Instead of, feeling guilty and tell myself not to think of it anymore. Um like the ego, always have a plan in case something goes wrong. Especially when I do something wrong. I mostly experience neurotic anxiety, according to Freud. Freud Wald says, I develop neurotic anxiety when my id gets out of control and my ego cant help it. I have no control over my id. 5. One time I was babysitting my two little cousin. I knew I wasn’t suppose to take them out and let them watch a scary movie. I figure they was already sick and it saw very cold outside and raining.In this situation I used my id and developed moral anxiety. After that they had caught pneumonias and I felt really guilty. Behaviorist would new this event as an experience and next time I would do it again. 6. The behaviorist and social learning theories is the theory of personality from this chapter that better explain my personality. I say this because their behavior is determine. Our personality structure is based on habits and expectances and our barriers to personal growth is an maladaptive habits, and unhealthy environment. Chapter 13 Journal: 1. If I was suffering from a major depression, I would consider taking an anti-depression.Because I would like to feel normal, and not so depress all the time. Plus, major depression can create suicide thoughts. Yes, if I was a diabetic or having a heart or live r problems. I would take medications for these conditions. I really don’t know about this one but probably because the others issues can cause more serious problems and we wouldn’t really know when our brains are broken. 2. Yes, we can expect that the incidence of schizophrenia to risk. I say this because according to the book, it says that one of the cause of schizophrenia environment.In environment, the problem is the victim has been expose to violence, sexual abuse, death, divorce, separation. Which mostly comes from dysfunctional families. But not everyone that are exposed to these living conditions will be schizophrenia. 3. I feel that it is a good idea to force mentally ill homeless people into an institutional setting and treat them for their own good even if they refused the treatment. Simply because they can hurt themselves and others around them. No one should want or let someone who post a harm to themselves and others around them to wondering around.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Is Prostitution Deviant? Essay

Prostitution viewed through the social-conflict paradigm, a â€Å"framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change† (Macionis-Society), would be that the act of prostitution is a result of an unequal distribution of money, power, education, and social prominence. Prostitution is deviant, in that it is an action that is outside the norm of the accepted standards of our society. However, whether prostitution is deviant or not is not the starting place of the social-conflict paradigm. The social-conflict theorist would make no judgment but instead ask why. The social-conflict paradigm would analyze the social structure the individual was raised in, such as the education level and thus the opportunities available for the individual to gain skills necessary to accomplish success in society. It would then cast blame on the social factors rather than poor choices or lack of vision of the person. In essence, a prostitute woul d just be a victim of things out of his or her control. Prostitution would be viewed as a necessary bread of inopportunity rather than immorality. A strength of the social-conflict paradigm in viewing conflict is that in order to change the pattern of prostitution or any negative matter of society we must look at what forms the problem in order to prevent it. However one viewpoint gives us a narrow solution for a vast number of problems and other issues besides social inopportunity, like morals, values and a persons character must also be addressed in ordered to wholly fix any problem. Though we live in a world that expresses moral relativism, there is still objective truth and there are still things which are right and wrong. Though prostitution may have been forced upon some as a means of survival, it is still wrong and destructive. The consequences medically are huge for this kind of wide spread behavior. Though we can feel for those who have found themselves in this kind of life style, we must teach them new ways of living as well as helping provide new opportunities.

Ethical opinions on computer confidentiality in health care Essay

Ethical opinions on computer confidentiality in health care - Essay Example The patient should be informed immediately upon the availability of the computerized database. Proper explanations should be given to the patient regarding the accurate and dependable medical data that the computerized database can give in order to support the health care of patients. At the same time, the potential hazards or risks of the computerize database should also be explained to the patient in the spirit of clarity and fairness. This way, the patient will have the freedom to choose whether or not he or she would want to utilize and be included in the medical database or not (Drozdenko 4). Whatever the decision of the patient would be, pressuring him or her to make an immediate choice would be unethical, and so the decision of the patient and the relatives has to be respected. Corrections in the time and date must be marked and stamped because this will aid in the management of patient's health evaluation procedures. Any mistake or miscalculated time and date could be fatal for the patients and their families. The stamping of corrections somehow acts as a precaution during the process of the patient's recovery at the hospital.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The best of intentions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The best of intentions - Case Study Example If Cynthia offers the job to Steve, the company has a very high chance of losing their customers and if this happens, then it means they will all be out of work. This is a dilemma as Steve is the most qualified candidate and can take their company to the next level but he also prevents the growth of the company in that region where discrimination is still high. Letting him go is the best decision for everyone. If Steve is hired, it means that he cannot carry out his job to avoid losing the customers which simply impedes his growth in the company and the end result either way will be to let him go. It is better to not hire him and give him false hopes but simply let him find a better place without discrimination where he can exercise his potential. I would not take the job for the simple reason that I would be a hidden employee who is not at liberty to meet the customers whom I am supposed to work with. I would not want to be an invisible employee because invisible employees have no room for growth. Growth in nay organization requires being on the limelight showcasing one’s work but since appearing in the limelight will drive away the white customers, and then it is better not to take the job than have regrets years later. Steve should look at his goals and what he wants to achieve in the next several years. If he wants to expand his career and develop, or if he has big dreams for his future, then he should not take the job as the dream and goals will not be achieved. The parties need to sit down and draw of plan on how best Steve can be fruitful to the company while at the same time not anger and drive away their customers if they are to remain in business. The will need to find the best position for Steve in the company, one which will not hinder his development and impede his future growth while still providing his best skills and abilities to the

Monday, August 12, 2019

North vs South - How the North won the Civil War Essay

North vs South - How the North won the Civil War - Essay Example Further, people wonder why the North failed to allow the Confederacy to secede peacefully. This paper will examine the military strategies and leadership, which facilitated the victory that the North enjoyed and the defeat of the South. There was an increasing discrepancy between the South and the North in terms of economic development, social structures and organizations and political ideologies. However, the two regions were alike during the founding of the new nation. Slavery was in the entire states, and the economic activities of the two regions had strong reinforcements from agricultural prosperity (Steele & Herbert 1996, p. 45)1. The Northern states designed a plan that would end slavery and enhance the emancipation of the slaves to ensure that they fought for their rights, freedom and liberty. Further, the collapse of the party system had remarkable contribution towards the victory of the North; the slavery issue received undue suppression from the laws of this party. The strength of the political parties had a negative influence from massive immigration of foreigners and debates pushing for the prohibition of slavery. There existed a deficiency in the governance of the states; the strong parties suffered from utter blows that weakened the running of the parties. The confederacy and the union had confidence that they would win the war with a lot of ease (Hattaway & Jones 1991, p. 63).2The two regions believed that their outstanding advantages over the other side would bring ultimate victory to them. On the side of the confederacy, they believed that they had a better position to win the war because the Generals from South had advanced training, and most of the whites on that side were conversant with firearms and horses. Further, the South had plans of fighting a defensive war against the Northern region, and enjoy foreign economies, which meant that the economic might of the south

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Prosecution of Drug Cases inside and outside of the Court System Essay

Prosecution of Drug Cases inside and outside of the Court System - Essay Example The conclusion will entail what the best tactics are found to be to keep drug trafficking and abuse down to a minimal problem in society. One main problem with illegal drug distribution and correct prosecution is that judges have to do a job that would normally take two of them. Illegal immigrants are constantly smuggling drugs in over the border, and the state of Arizona is swamped with cases in the federal court because of this issue (Gustos 2001). Because of this and the lack of judges many offenders on this charge walk, which leads to many more complications. The border courts don't even prosecute some of these offenders (in certain areas) unless they have been apprehended at least ten times. Therefore the border control is left with a heavy burden outside the court system. They officially file how many times an offender has been arrested and when it reaches the ten mark limit they will go to trial and be federally prosecuted (Gustos 2001). The South West Border initiative, which was launched by the Clinton Administration, works well outside of the court system by controlling what comes across the border and who. However, even though this iniative helped keep control of the criminal drug activities seeping into America, it did little to helping the Federal Court system because there remained a shortage of judges while there was an increase in border control officers, immigration officials, and drug enforcement administration agents. It is the border control itself that seems to be the strongest point of the U.S. in gaining control of the drug trafficking problem. Containing those who would distribute drugs inside the U.S., at the border, is where the federal government is focusing its strengths to minimize this heavy concern and to also lift some of the burden from the border control court system. To further assist inside the courts there are two versions of a bill from 2001 which were introduced to the House and Senate for approval. This has allowed for 18 more judges to be instated into the border court system to properly prosecute these cases (Gustos 2001). The Actions of the Court System on Drug Cases The court system has found an alternative to incarceration and it is found to be that for those with lower drug charges, they are better suited for rehabilitation by psychological counseling rather than serving jail time (Koopman 2006). The Behavioral Court system works with offenders who obviously have mental incompetence of their actions and criminal behaviors. The greatest achievement of this specific courts process is how well they have the offender monitored for continuing drug use by the courts three person staff (Koopman 2006). These types of offenders receive the proper treatment; go through rehabilitation services, as well as mental health clinic agencies to achieve a life free from drug abuse and criminal interactions with it. In this regard

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Consumer law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer law - Essay Example The White Paper policy was formulated to minimise differences in manners of purchase.1 These remedies are discussed below. Right to Reject the Goods When a consumer discovers that the goods hired or purchased from a retailer do not match the description given, or are unfit for purpose intended for, or are not of merchantable quality, they are entitled to reject them and thus terminate the contract. With the contract terminated, they will not be under an obligation to pay for the goods as previously provided by the contract. This right will not be available where the purchase or hiring is within the course of business and the defect is so insignificant that rejecting the goods would be unreasonable. This remedy is available if the defect is noticed within six years from the time of purchase2 and it is shown that the fault has not been caused by ordinary wear or tear or through misuse by the purchaser. Within the first six months, it is for the retailer to prove that the goods in quest ion were not inherently defective. After the six months the burden shifts to the consumer to prove that the goods were defective when they were sold. ... Acceptance is deemed to have taken place when the consumer expressly states that they have accepted the good, when they alter the goods or when they continue to keep the goods for a reasonable duration of time3. Courts’ decisions on what amounts to a reasonable period of time provide varied answers. In the case of Bernstein V Pamson Motors (Golders Green) Ltd4, where the consumer was held to have accepted the car by keeping it for less than four weeks after purchasing it. In contrast, in Bowes V Richardson & Son Ltd5, it was held that the consumer had the right to reject the car even after keeping it for seven months after purchase. The consumer will lose his right to complain of the faultiness of the goods if he purchased the goods more than 6 years ago. They will also not be entitled to complain where they knew the goods to have been defective at the time of sale after it was pointed out to them. Even where the defect was not pointed out to them but the consumer had them exa mined by an independent party and the defect was manifestly visible or should have been discovered from a proper examination of the goods, he will still have no legitimate right to complain about the defect. Also, they will not be entitled to complain if at the time of sale the retailer came out clean and confessed that they were unsure of the suitability of the goods for purpose. When a consumer purchases second hand goods, he still has the right to a product that is fully useable and undamaged and can return the goods if they are found not to be useable. When the consumer knowingly purchases a defective item, even though they cannot return the item on the basis of that particular defect, they can still return the item if

Friday, August 9, 2019

Cybercrime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Cybercrime - Essay Example The most feared setback in computer technology is cyber crime (Ross 2010). Cybercrime is a criminal activity that is done through the use of computers and the internet as a tool to target a victim. This illegal activity involves downloading illegal music files to the theft of millions of dollars from online banking systems. It also involves non-monetary crimes such as distributing and creating viruses on other computers or even the posting of confidential business information and data on the internet. On the other hand, cyber crime is classified into three different groups (Kiesbye 2012). This occurs among the government and a business entity through the use of unauthorized access over the computer system without knowing the owner. It is also meant to send programs with the aim of crashing the computer system virus trafficking software. Cybercrime has developed to become one of the fastest growing areas of crime. An increasing number of criminals have been exploiting the convenience, speed and anonymity that the modern technologies offer so as to commit a diverse range of criminal activities. Moreover, the world’s nature of internet usage has given criminals an opportunity to commit any criminal activity any place around the globe. This has made it important for each and every country to adapt domestic offline to detect and cover crimes committed out in cyberspace. In recent years, cybercrime has evolved. In the past it was committed by small groups or by individuals. Nowadays, there has been an emerging trend where traditional organized crime syndicates and criminal minded technology experts working in hand in combining their resources and expertise (Stefoff 2009). There are two types of cybercrime. They are cybertheft and cybervandalism. Cybertheft is the activity of using the internet to steal property or interference with another person’s enjoyment of resources through computers for making illegal

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Mortgage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mortgage - Essay Example If the lender brings a court action for possession of property, which consists of or includes a dwelling house, the mortgagor could obtain longer to repay by asking the Court to delay possession. The court has both an inherent and a statutory jurisdiction to delay possession. Using its inherent jurisdiction. In Birmingham permanent building society v Caunt the court grant a 28 days short delay to enable the Borrower to repay in full the sums owing. In Abbey National Building Society v Cann2 An aunt acquired rights in property owned by her nephew, through her rights under the 'right to buy' legislation. She was on holiday on the actual date of moving. However, her belongings were moved by removal men. The actual move started some 35 minutes before completion and some of her furniture was moved into the premises. The court decided that this was insufficient for her to claim that she was in actual occupation. In Lloyds Bank v Rosset3 a husband and wife, recently married, decided to purchase a semi-derelict property. They could not move in until a certain amount of renovation work had been done and much of it was supervised the wife. The work was still in progress after the transfer but the issue was whether the wife could be in actual occupation when she was not in permanent occupation. She had spent a considerable amount of time at the property but could not be said to be in permanent occupation. The builders were working at the premises permanently. Although the court accepted that it was not necessary for the wife to be living there, it drew a distinction between intending to move in and actually living in the premises. The builders were held not to be in actual occupation on behalf of Mrs. Rosset. In Chhokar v Chhokar4 a married couple split up. The wife remained in the property but had to leave when she had to go to hospital to have a baby. It was held that this did not constitute a break in actual occupation. The case suggests that brief absences will not interfere with actual occupation of land. So in order to get right of possession in case of actual occupation must be proved. b) The mortgagee has a right to sell the property without; a court order once the Conditions in SS. 101 and 103 Law of property Act 1925 are fulfilled. Discuss the Sections briefly and co-relate with the given set of facts. For a long time, it has been established that the mortgagee need not wait until the Market is favorable before exercising the power of sale (Warner Vs Jacob). Indeed, Provided the power to sale is exercisable, the mortgagee cold sell the property at the least advantageous time for the mortgagor (Duke v Robson). In the aftermath of Cuckmere, it was thought to be arguable, that it might be the case that the mortgage should exercise reasonable care as to when the property is out onto the market. This Argument was rejected, however, in China and south sea bank Ltd Vs Tan soon Gin, Where the privy council held that a mortgagee could not be liable for failing to Exercise its power of sale when market conditions were ore favorable than they Subsequently became, as the timing of the sale was a matter entirely for the Mortgagee. This has recently been confirmed in Silven properties Ltd Vs Royal Bank of