Friday, August 23, 2019

The Gospel Of John's View Of The Role Of The Holy Spirit Research Paper

The Gospel Of John's View Of The Role Of The Holy Spirit - Research Paper Example This research aims at studying John's Gospel view of the Holy Spirit using the existing literature. In his article "John 14:17 and the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John", Sloan gives a breakdown of earthly ministry of Jesus giving the leads to the permanent ‘indwelling of the Holy Spirit’ among his disciples on departure to heaven. Further, Carsons (1991) gives the descriptions of ‘the responsibilities of the Holy Spirit’ during the final discourse of Jesus. It emerges that the Holy Spirit hovers through those baptized in it (known as indwelling). Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is independent of the father and the son due to the nature of the work allocated. The Holy Spirit is responsible of the Christendom and the spread of the church within boundaries and beyond. The institution of the church survives on the mercy of Holy Spirit who is responsible for this valuable task (Stott 2006). The Holy Spirit fills the followers of Christ with the yearning to know God more as the ethics dictate. The responsibilities further stretch towards the power to redeem and reconcile humans and their God whenever they wrong him (Barth 1993). The regeneration of human beings is entirely dependent on the functions of the righteous Spirit as evident from Owen's "Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit.† He has more than one function as Linzey puts it in her book "The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.† The illumination of the human believer's mind depends on the efforts of the divine Spirit as indicated in John 3:5. This is because the Holy Spirit knows better about God's will than any other supernatural power in existence thus engages the believers in their day-to-day activities that related to Godliness (Rogers 2009). 1 Introduction The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John is first introduced in Chapter 1 verse 33. The functions of the Holy Spirit in a believers’ life are discussed in three chapters (14-16). â€Å"But the helper, the Holy spirit whom the father will send in my name, He will teach you all things.† These verses show the Holy Spirit as a helper and teacher. Other roles that will be discussed in this paper are the Holy Spirit as a comforter, giver of life, living water and as a reminder of Christ among other roles. This paper will also look at who is the Holy Spirit, how does one receive Him and how it is viewed in the Old Testament. This paper has considered the Holly Spirit in the perspective of the gospel of John. We have taken the entire gospel through references to the Lord’s Ministry as provided in the first thirteen chapters. Then, it extends to God’

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